Tutoring on Demand Service


Using Tutoring on Demand, you can get answers right when you need them! It is available to answer your questions about content and learning activities in this course. 

Remember, this is just one more way in which we can help you be successful. It is not mandatory to participate, nor will your participation be evaluated or graded in any way.

Tutoring on demand is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays. Tutoring on Demand is for general course questions only and should not be used for questions about your grades, attendance, or other personal matters.

1. Click "Make an appointment" in your course.


2. There are some available slots in this appointment. Select a slot that available to you and book it.


3. You can only book one slot in this scheduler. You can cancel booking.


4. The teacher will send you a message.


5. Once it is time for tutoring, click "Live Chat Room" in your course.


6. Click "Join session" to enter the tutoring room.


Last modified: Saturday, 26 September 2020, 10:25 PM